Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Personal Logo Introduction and Examples

Project Overview
You will develop a personal logo that will become your “signature mark”. It is a self-portrait of you, except it will be comprised primarily of typographic elements. You will use it as a promotional tool of sorts throughout the rest of semester, in that you will adhere it to the back of your boards. It should serve you well, and if it truly is a representation of you, you can continue to use it beyond the scope of the class.

Even the simplest images communicate on two levels – the denotative, or explicit, and the connotative, or suggestive. The mark, form and color should communicate a feeling that resembles you and be memorable and readable. Do the curves and angles of the type suggest playfulness, refinement, extravagance or rigidity? Are the colors loud or soft, shocking or calming? Your choices may be spontaneous and intuitive, but do a lot of research and preparation for this project. Don’t just use the first typeface you come across. Explore lots of fonts! Your logo should be 90% letterforms.

Personal Logo Project Brief

Project 1 Introduction

Project 1 Examples from past students



  2. Here is a great article about keeping the momentum of creativity:

  3. Great article Amanda. Thanks for sharing!
