Sunday, November 28, 2010

Process Books & Digital Archives

Process books and Digital Archive due December 9, 2010 - please turn in process book and CD to me in my office, room 465, across from the CMC on the 4th floor. I will be there between 2:30-4pm. You can also turn in these assignments on December 2 during class if you would like to turn it in early.

Wonderful job to you all this semester! I'm a very proud of how much everyone has improved throughout the semester. If I can ever help with other project work or your portfolios, please don't hesitate to ask. It's been a pleasure working with you all!

As a reminder, here is the project briefs for these last assignments from your syllabus. 

Create a book to contain all of your sketches and observations relating to graphic design and this class. This should include extensive thumbnail sketches and mood boards for assignments; photocopies, scans, and photographs of reference materials; and bits of things that inspire you – from typefaces and logos used in advertisements to papers with interesting textures. You will be asked to do some exercises in class and/or at home relatable to each project that will be included as well. You may organize your book however you wish, but it should be organized. You will turn it in for a grade on December 9.

You will turn in a CD/DVD containing all of your work for this class, with different versions of your files for each of the five projects we complete, from beginning to final. This means you will need to save drafts of the various interactions of your work. Make sure to include your sketches and any other work that supports your final designs. You will organize it first by project and then chronologically by stage and then draft.

for example
Project 1 > 01_sketches > image 1, image 2, image 3
               > 02_concept refinement > variation 1, variation 2
               > 03_final designs > variation 1, variation 2

Please label the CD with your name, class, and Fall2010. You will turn this CD into me Dec 9.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Packaging Templates

Hey folks,

One of the books I brought in has examples of packaging with eps file templates that I have zipped up and uploaded onto my server for you to download (if you need it). I'll bring in the book again on Tuesday if you want to reference it - The book is called "The packaging and Design Templates Sourcebook." 

Here is a link to download the templates.

I believe the files are seperated by chapters. They are eps files and can be opened in Illustrator and Photoshop.

Hope this helps!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Schedule for Remainder of the Semester

Can you believe it! Almost finished with yet another semester! Here is the revised schedule for the remainder of this semester. As you can see, I have pushed our final critique for this project to December 2nd. Your final process book + digital archive should be turned in December 9th (This is our scheduled Finals time so it should not interfere with other classes)

It's been a great semester. Keep the momentum going!

T.NOV9 - Final Critique Project #4, Introduction of Project #5

TH.NOV11 - Choose product to redesign – Come to class with research of existing product and packaging / outside research and inspiration. Start sketching ideas / prototyping 3D packaging ideas.

T.NOV16 - WORK DAY – Continue research, sketching and prototyping.

TH.NOV18 - In-progress critique – Pinup at least 3 different concepts for package design ideas with supporting sketches & prototypes. Turn in your hard copy of your Creative Brief.

T.NOV23-NOV 25 - Thanksgiving Holiday

T.NOV30 - Bring in drafts of your final boards for presentation, your prototype, and images of prototype. Last check-in before final critique.

TH.DEC2 - Project #5 Final Critique. Turn in (2) Boards + Final PERFECT Prototype!
TH.DEC9 - Turn in Process Books + Digital Archive to me - 4th floor - room 463 between 2:30 - 4pm.

Project #5 - Package Redesign Introduction & Examples

For your last project of the semester, we will be redesigning a package for an existing product currently on the market. The choice of this product is crucial to the final presentation. Choose something which will inspire, encourage, and initiate lofty creative design ideas for the FINAL work of this semester. I would suggest you choose a product which is in dire need of redesign instead of those packages which are already successful from their point of purchase delivery. Please review full project brief here!

Some online resources for you to check out: - professional site showcasing award winning package design - magazine website that focuses on packaging. - Blog about some neat package design projects. - Examples of food packaging - Blog article with some neat examples of packages - Blog article with some interesting examples of packaging.

Previous Student Work Examples: - Examples from Stan - Some examples from Paige's class last year.

Creative Brief Outline

Nice job working on your creative briefs for project 4! For the next project, you will be required to write a more extensive creative brief to turn in (typed in a more formal document - word document is sufficient) following the discussion we had in class. See below for outline notes. Also, feel free to include imagery and/or links that will support your content. For example, please include imagery of the existing product packaging and POP displays (in the store). You should also include your outside research in this document!

Side note: I will not be formally checking your process books for this project - Your CB will replace this. I will formally review your sketching and prototyping during the in-progress pinup.

A hard copy of your CB should be turned in to me on November 18th.
  1. Overview / Background
    1. Title / Background of the Project / Research regarding project
    2. Describe the current market of project - Outside Research
      1. what is successful / unsuccessful in market
    3. Goals and Requirements of Project
      1. required needs of the project - client needs
      2. size dimensions, etc. 
  2. Target Audience
    1. Who is this project for? How will you design your project to speak to this audience
    2. Demographics. Describe the person who will use this product.
    3. What should you do speak to this demographic? What should you avoid when thinking about this demo/group/target?
  3. Tone / Image
    1. Is the design formal, serious, funny, or _____?
    2. Visual cues / iconography / symbolism / imagery / type you may employ in your design and why?
    3. Process goals - How will you implement your design? (i.e., illustration, photography, mixed media)
  4. Messages
    1. What are you trying to convey to your specific audience?
      1. (i.e., Some of their needs may be straightforward, such as “a cereal box that can be resealed after opening; paperclips that won’t spill in my desk drawer; a teabag that won’t make a mess on the table.” Some needs may be more complex and ephemeral, such as “soap that makes me feel young; batteries that won’t hurt the environment; a pencil that expresses my individuality.")
    2. How does imagery / type, etc. successfully convey this message?
    3. Does your message fit inline with initial overview information and background and why?